Monday, May 16, 2016

Blue Monday at Disney!

 Joining Jeanne @ Backyard Neighbor for our Blue Monday Meme!


Here are few photos from our Disney trip a few weeks ago to Florida. Lot's of walking and fun but glad to be back home again! Lily had a blast and I am glad we will always have those memories.
I will post more photos later! I am really looking forward to the new Finding Nemo movie
coming out soon!


Jeanne said...

Hi Joy, I love the Disney photos. The matching Mickey tee shirts are awesome and fun. We lived in Kissimmee and our son-in-law works for Disney. We spent countless days at Disney at no cost for 13 years. We were so fortunate and having fun at Disney never got old. Big smile here.

Happy Blue Monday.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your shirts too! And I'm so glad the weather was nice for your visit. We sure need rain...but the sun is better for a Disney adventure! Hugs!

LV said...

Never been to this one, but went to the California one many years ago. Too old for it now.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Great photos!! My younger son and hi girlfriend are going to Disney in Oct. for a much deserved vacation. We were there when the boys were young so I can't wait for him to experience it at this age.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!



Everyone looks like they had a great time at the most happiest place ever!

Melinda said... fun!

Love the shirts.

M : )