Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Shack by William P. Young

Have any of you read or listened to The Shack? It was being requested alot at the library

where I work and I really wanted to see what was engrossing everyone.

The story starts with a man getting a letter from God asking him to meet him

at the shack where his daughter was murdered several years earlier. The series

of events leading up to the murder and they story of how his family dealed with their

loss was very interesting. I don't want to give to much away in case you are planning to

read it but it really is a thought provoking book and I would highly recommend it.


Connie said...

Hi Joy, thank you for the comment, honey! I saw a woman in Costco with that book and asked her what it was about. DUH!!! She hadn't read it yet! LOL But I've heard most people don't like it. I doubt if I'll read it though. Thanks for visiting and Happy Pink Saturday.

Linda said...

Hi Joy, I've have heard lots about this book too. I have it and just started reading it, but set it aside to read one of James Patterson's latest....Sunday At Tiffany's...I liked it very much...I guess I needed a good cry:). Now back to The Shack. Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

I have not,but have heard about it. i talked to a lady here that loved it,but she told my many preachers are against it because of how God comes to the man.

Redwoodhouse said...

I so enjoy a good book but don't read as many as I think I should. With the spring coming on I tend to spend my spare time in the garden, I suppose if I got it completely up together I could then sit in the garden with a good book!!!!!!

Angie said...

I may have to read this one. Sounds interesting!

kel said...

Its sitting on my shelf right now, waiting for me to get to it!!

love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Sounds intriguing! I hadn't heard of it before.

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

I have it on my to read list... I may have to start a reading blog just so I have some accountability! LOL


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

I've heard lots about this book and heard some mixed reviews. I want to read it and will get to it when I finish "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. Gooood Book.

A Hint of Home said...

I've heard about the book but have not read it. I have heard some controversy over it. Not sure what to think.

Ingrid said...

I haven't read it yet, sounds good !

Janet said...

Hmm! Sounds interesting. Think I will look out for this one!
Thanks for popping past my blog - I will be sure to visit yours again!

Jean Tuthill said...

The book sounds good, I think I will see if my library has it. I am working on a Nora Roberts paperback right now, so I need to finish that one first. It's so good!

JudyBug said...

I really need to read this. My husband's Sunday School class gave it to him. I've heard great things about it.


kari and kijsa said...

Happy St. Patricks Day!
blessings, kari & kijsa