Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26th

Book Blogger Hop
Jennifer at Crazy for Books Blog has a friday meme Book Blogger Hop and the
question is...

“Non-book-related this week!! Do you have pets?”
I have a dog, named Salsa, who was rescued and is now going 12 years old. We love
her lot's and a black cat also rescued from the Humane Society. They love to chase
each other around the house. I was never really a cat person until my daughter
begged and begged us to get a cat. He can be loving when he wants to but mostly I just like watching him play.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by Pawing Through Books earlier! Your pets are adorable! :)

Sidne said...

oh me that cat looks gorgeously big.
see what pets i have.

DeniseF said...

Your pets are so cute!


awww...Salsa is very sweet looking! You know that I have 3 Jack Russell terriers...that keep me busy!
Happy weekend!

Amie@Mom Reads My Books! said...

Cute pets! New follower!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Such cute furry kids! I love my Charlie Kitty and he is almost 13 years old and going strong!

bj said...

A darling photo of them at the front door. :))
I love your profile FB photo. :)))

Anonymous said...

Hi and what pretty animals you have. Love them peeking out your door. Thank you so much popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh, I love that picture of your dog and cat looking out the door. So cute! laurie

Grammy Staffy said...

Dear Joy,
Thanks for sharing these pictures with us today. They make me smile....especially the one of the two of them looking out the window. Pets become a part of the family. I surely miss my Heidi. She was almost 12 when she died last Nov. She was my 4 legged daughter.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I always love hearing from you. Have a great week. Hugs, Lura